Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Welcoming Web Design

Designing Welcoming Website:

1. Language and text - clear, easy to read text. Fresh, engaging, current. Limit slang. Plain language vs. technical jargon.

2. Clean, simple design is better than complicated structure. Logical, smooth, concise, using graphic image clues.

3. Interest to encourage return visits, pairing technology with ease of usability.

Questions and comments are Welcome.

Website - Family Tree or Story - something you just haven't gotten around to?

Pixela Webs ... would you like a nice website, a family tree, or family story written? I enjoy what I do, so the cost will be insanely reasonable!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I have written and article on the topic of Discrimination. If you are interested in this, or reading the other work I have done, please visit: Suite101.

“Our way of living together in America is a strong but delicate fabric….It has been woven over may centuries by the patience and sacrifice of countless liberty-loving men and women. It serves as a cloak for the protection of poor and rich, of black and white, of Jew and Gentile, of foreign and native born. Let us not tear it asunder. For no man knows, once it is destroyed, where or when man will find its protective warmth again.”  Wendell L. Willkie, One World, 1943

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thoughts On Power

Power is not necessarily a bad thing that gives rise to motivations and selfish choices. Power exists in many forms, and needs to be understood in order to be effective in our lives, and leadership. We know that things like values and making choices give us internal power.  We all have a purpose, a degree of power, and deserve respect. 

Our first instinct is for survival, basic needs, then wants. Power may be a basic need for some, others may desire it, others don’t want to be bothered. I maintain there are intelligent people who care for others without the need for power. Power doesn’t make people happy or content, empowerment does.

Do people today feel empowered? The middle and lower class certainly do not.
Unfortunately, society has not evolved as quickly as technology. In serfdom, slavery, and servitude there was the feeling of disempowerment, much as there is today for the working poor. A few who believe they are entitled to more than the rest probably goes back as far as the origin of our species.

Short-term thinking and the lack of integrity in business has created quick wealth and profits for the ones at the top. So, now that we know  the "trickle down theory" in social economics does not work, what are we going to do about it? Unfortunately, the aftermath of corruption does seem to trickle down. Who bears the burden when the walls come crashing down? There may be one or two wealthy people in prison, but as a whole, it is the poor and the middle class of all ages.

There is simply not enough work to go around.  For those who do have work, we have lost much of the pride and joy, working for efficiency instead of quality. Downsizing, multi-tasking, cubicles, long hours, lack of loyalty, and stress levels build as employees are expected to do more with less. But probably no group feels less empowered than our senior citizens. In the USA older persons are considered disposable - don’t resuscitate unless there is money in the bank. This may add tension because everyone is going to get old. Feeling disempowered also comes from the knowledge that the future is unknown and changes, usually not for the better, are constantly taking place. 

A culture's vitality depends on new ideas, it does not arise from the quest for  profit.

So why are we are giving away our ideas and other resources? Other countries take our ideas; make them more efficiently and cheaper, creating jobs and a healthy economy.
The power of ideas deserves more appreciation in America. When we release our rigid expectations we have more access to possibilities - imagination and intuition - the magic of ideas are free to emerge. Unfortunately, this can't happen when we need it most, from people who are stressed to the breaking point. 

Everyone knows that American needs to create jobs, and society needs an attitude adjustment, to hold all persons and their positions in higher regard. Pride in a job well done should not be an antiquated axiom. It should be a mantra for a new generation. How do we show respect for a person's work? Better pay and benefits to start. The working poor are a sad reality in our country.

Capitalism is not a sacred and holy system any more than socialism is a necessarily bad and degenerate system. Let's look around and see what is working in other countries, and not hold ourselves aloof. Those who hold the raw force of power, unbridled by principles and conscious caring, are without consideration of what is being done, to whom, what purpose is being served. Theirs are actions without conscience.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thoughts on Art

In these days of budget cuts
Education is one of the first to lose funding.
Teachers, the ones who are responsible for educating our future leaders, are losing jobs.

We call ourselves a "super power," but we are not a leader in education, or in social services like health care. Now even Medicaid is being threatened.
The poor and the old - who cares if they die from lack of health care? Really?
Is it our display of military might that supposedly makes us a "super power"?

Back to cuts in education. Art and music classes are usually the first to be eliminated.
But I say that people who underestimate the value of art
Do not understand that art in itself extends far beyond the painting, sculpture, music or the material thing being considered.
Art expands the boundaries of diversity, integrating the experiences and perceptions of peoples and cultures to the culmination of a singular object or sound, a gift to all who choose to see or listen. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Can You Imagine?


A world devoid of the warmth of fur

Or the song of feathers

A world devoid of color
Where everyone is the same

Transparent vulnerable

A world without trees
No rustle of leaves,
Only concrete, cold, unyielding

Is this a world of our own creation
Devoid of everything
That we have

Overused, misused and abused?