Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thoughts on Art

In these days of budget cuts
Education is one of the first to lose funding.
Teachers, the ones who are responsible for educating our future leaders, are losing jobs.

We call ourselves a "super power," but we are not a leader in education, or in social services like health care. Now even Medicaid is being threatened.
The poor and the old - who cares if they die from lack of health care? Really?
Is it our display of military might that supposedly makes us a "super power"?

Back to cuts in education. Art and music classes are usually the first to be eliminated.
But I say that people who underestimate the value of art
Do not understand that art in itself extends far beyond the painting, sculpture, music or the material thing being considered.
Art expands the boundaries of diversity, integrating the experiences and perceptions of peoples and cultures to the culmination of a singular object or sound, a gift to all who choose to see or listen. 

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