Thursday, March 31, 2011

Exploring the Logic of Illogical Choices

...or Why I play this Mind Numbing Video Game Instead of Doing Something Worthwhile.

While playing a mind numbing computer game I asked myself, why do I choose to sit here playing this game instead of doing one of the many things on my list. I'm not talking about housework, or changing the oil in my car. What is most disturbing is that the list I refer to is one of things I wish to accomplish, things that if I were to drop dead tomorrow, I would like to have done: write, draw, a finished product of genealogy that the family would enjoy, and perhaps have a little smile when then think of me.

Life is short.

We hear this a lot. Most young people don't believe it. At 20 we are invincible, and our world is stretched out like a field of never-ending adventures. The daydream begins to end when our first loved one dies, particularly if that loved one is a young person.

The need to do nothing.

Perhaps it is a need for a mental fiesta, or a place to rest our melancholy. At such times thoughts may surface that would have remained hidden - such as questioning ones self on the choice to waste time, rather than get to my list of 'worthy things I wish to complete.' 

Of course, it depends on the person. People such as myself have endless little projects that would make another, more methodical and goal-oriented person question ones sanity. Why DID she collect all those little pieces of paper, movie ticket stubs, and cutout pieces of greeting cards? My scrapbook of my move and me. Who would have guessed?


Is it a logical choice to do nothing, or is the choice to do nothing really a choice? Is this the epitome of laziness, not making a choice?  Do we wish to just exist on the surface, or is there a deeper more malicious reason for this 'doing of nothing?' Is it really doing nothing? My personal addition is a game that is akin to target practice. Do they design these things to hook us, knowing full well the ramifications?

For more ramblings, visit me at Suite 101.


Sans logic or so it seems

Maybe it is just a dream
Always black and never white
What is wrong and what is right?  

1 comment:

  1. I like this...I often feel guilty at the end of the day for not taking time to draw. I think our brains really just need "downtime" sometimes, and things like drawing and painting can be intense mental activities.
